
real estate investment in Turkey

Turkey is one of the most important destinations for Arabs to invest, immigrate and reside. Buying a real estate in Turkey is one of the most important goals of this unlimited community of Arabs, among those who want stability and housing, or an investor. Below, we try to answer the most prominent inquiries about the real estate market in Turkey and real estate investment in Turkey, moving away from...

انتعاش واحصائيات السوق العقاري في تركيا 2021

إذا كنت تبحث عن استثمار قوي وموثق بعائد مربح تركيا لديها سوق عقاري منتعش وقوي لتلبية كل توقعات الربح العقارية، حيث يقدم برنامج المواطنة الاستثمارية في تركيا أنسب العروض العقارية بأسعار معقولة علي مستوي العالم، حيث أنه هناك...

الضرائب المترتبة على مشتري العقار في تركيا محدث 2021

في هذا المقال سنقدم لك معلومات مهمة عن أهم عنصر إذا كنت ترغب في دخول السوق العقاري في تركيا فيجب أن تكون ملماً بها وهي الضرائب العقارية. حسناً: ماهي الضرائب العقارية في تركيا؟ هي مبالغ عينية يتم احتسابها علي البائع أو...

الجنسية التركية وفوائد الحصول عليها عبر الاستثمار العقاري

الجنسية التركية وفوائد الحصول عليها عبر الاستثمار العقاري تركيا لها موقع استراتيجي ساحرفي منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط محاط بالبحار من ثلاث جهات، ولها تاريخ عظيم مؤثر ومميز بتركيا جعلها واحدة من أكثر بلدان العالم جاذبية...

Under Construction Properties are Now Available for Turkish Citizenship by Investment

In accordance with the amendment made to the Turkish Citizenship Law published in the Official Gazette on 07.12.2018, a new convenience provided for foreigners who want to become Turkish citizens. Foreigners who want to buy an under construction property may also obtain Turkish citizenship, after the regulating contract from the notary for the property sale and committing to buy a property worth of...

Why Luxury Property in Kalkan Attracts International Buyers

Many foreigners have bought homes in Turkey, either for buy-to-let investments, a place to retreat in summer or to live in the country all year round. The popularity isn’t hard to understand because Turkey offers a unique lifestyle and affordable real estate prices, but luxury property in Kalkan has earned a more prestigious status, as the best of Turkish real estate. While foreign buyers...

Investing in Commercial Property in Turkey: Guide, How-To and Advice

Commercial property in Turkey is a different real estate market than residential homes, and due diligence, when assessing potential hotels, offices, shops, restaurants or bars will ensure the investment pays off. Whether you want premises for your own business or as a buy-to-let investment, attractive prices per square meter are a big lure but market conditions are still the same, and certain...

The Best Place to Buy Property in Turkey

As a leading real estate agent, potential buyers often ask us, where is the best place to buy property in Turkey? However, the answer is more complicated than naming one destination, because buyers have different budgets, lifestyle preferences and ideas of what their perfect home looks like. Each region differs and appeals to different levels of society. In this article, we’ll look at popular...

Turkey: 7th Country to Live and Work around the World

The survey "Expat explorer" organised by HSBC Group in 163 countries; to learn which countries are the best to live and work in. Switzerland has ranked on the first place according to this survey. Turkey has ranked on 7th place among 163 countries, it got ahead of Germany. This survey is the most extensive and long-running around the world. The top 10 list of liveable countries are as followed;...

Is Buying Property in Turkey a Good Investment?

Frequently, customers ask if buying property in Turkey a good investment? Given that over the decades, the focus of mainstream real estate markets has shifted from just finding a home to making a sound financial commitment, this is a good question. Terms such as flipping houses, capital appreciation and liquidity are all factors that house buyers are considering. So, to answer this, let’s look...

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